June Insights | Fewer than 50% of GU oncologists rank efficacy data #1

June 2023

Tolerability and patient quality of life outrank efficacy in influencing treatment choice for some oncologists

Fewer than 50% of genitourinary oncologists consider efficacy data the primary factor that they base treatment selection on, according to a recent MedShr poll.

In another, 84% reported a growing prevalence of metastatic cancers and more advanced, aggressive disease at diagnosis, as noticeable trends in their clinical practice.

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Source: MedShr data

Your corporate reputation matters

Two-thirds of healthcare professionals report being reluctant to prescribe or recommend a medication when they do not believe that the manufacturer has a good reputation in the therapy area. Building a comprehensive reputation for the parent brand ranked above above reputation for a specific health condition.

That's a steep challenge for newcomers to competitive therapy areas, and drives home the need for proactive clinician engagement early on.

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Source: WE: Brands in Motion

Keep clinical cases clear and concise

A more concise case presentation structure outperformed the standard approach in 8 out of 10 measures, including advancing patient carelearning from patients, and time efficiency.

Case presentations are, "the currency with which clinicians communicate" and a key element to experiential learning, yet a recent study found that they could do with a trim.

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Source: BMC

In other news

80% of US clinicians report that prior authorisation requirements at least sometimes lead to treatment abandonment. Some barriers to treatment uptake lie outside of the purview of medical affairs, but understanding the healthcare ecosystem that clinicians operate in is key to enabling access to optimal treatments, and ultimately better outcomes for patients.

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Source: American Medical Association

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